Japan, March 2016

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Around Kyoto

We start in Kyoto. I've been there and around several times and will add more photos later. However, several of my trips were prior to digital cameras.

Next, we travel a short distance outside Kyoto, around Arashiyama

Then South, around Wakayama

Starting with a Kofun (5th century burial mound) near Sakai (you really need an aerial view to see the distinctive keyhole shape), and then the train station in Kishi that is famous for its stationmaster, who is a cat.

The Kii Peninsula, and the Kumano-Kodo Pilgrimmage

Finally, we go to the far south of the Kii Peninsula. This is the triangular land mass South of Kyoto. I stayed at Kiikatsura, near Nachikatsuura, which is near the tip of the peninsula (first picture below). The area is famous for the Kumano Kodo (multi-day) pilgrimmage. There are many paths and shrines, but the three most famous are Hayatama Taisha (second and third picture), Hongu Taisha (next three pictures), and Nachi Taisha (final four picures); Taisha means grand shrine. I visited all three of these but, being old and disabled, I drove rather than hiked. Nearby is the tallest torii (shrine gate) in Japan, Oyunohara, which I missed through ignorance.

Created with igal-wt plus some hacks by me